10 Yung Pueblo Quotes to Inspire you on your healing journey
I left my home country and friends and family, to start a new life in Bali (‘the Island of the Gods’); a tiny yet renowned geographical centre for healing.
Yung Pueblo (image courtesy of London Real TV)
There are many things this beautiful tropical island offers to the broken — all of which my decrepit spirit devoured with the passion of a flickering flame starved of oxygen.
Having spent the best part of a year in solitude, I found blissful solace, whilst simultaneously waging a resilient yet peaceful war with with my ego.
During this time, I’ve been in full-on learning mode. The most forthright and excitable learning I’ve done in 44 years of being Martin. I’ve voraciously read works of philosophy, theology, spirituality, and psychology, and enjoyed every minute of it.
Everyone’s healing journey takes a different pace and direction, but one author stood out for me like a lighthouse in a tempest. I’m sharing some of his wisdom with you in the hope that his words might also resonate.
If you haven’t yet discovered Yung Pueblo, his words are like the love child of Eckhart Tolle and Mother Teresa, with Shakespeare playing a an active role as godfather. Or at least that’s my take…
To be so broken to have fallen so deeply; that the only thing you can do is rise into a new you (phoenix).
True power is living the realisation that you are your own healer, hero, and leader.
The healer you have been looking for is your own courage to know and love yourself completely.
Ego sees problems; consciousness sees solutions.
It did not happen overnight and it was not given to me by another. I am the maker of the happiness and love growing within me.
Wholeness is when lies no longer stand between you and yourself.
Letting go doesn’t mean forgetting; it means we stop carrying the energy of the past into the present.
Progress is when we forgive ourselves for taking so long to treat our bodies like a home.
I started speaking my truth when being free became more important that guarding the fear of my ego.
Every time I meet more of myself, I can know and love more of you.