How To Die Happy is a psycho-spiritual self-help book about the art of living (and dying) well.
Curated wisdom, stories, and practical utilities for the art of living.
Our hyper-connected, distracted world lacks connection of the human kind. This self-help book contains a unique combination of cherry-picked Eastern philosophies, personal stories from a “man on the mend”, and practical, mindful utilities for anyone learning to live and love. Why? To demonstrate that the secret to dying happy lies in a life well-lived. We don’t have to be holy to become enlightened. We just need to LEARN what thoughts and actions cultivate a happy existence.
If you had five minutes left to live, what would be on your list of regrets? Probing this question will shine a light on your relationship with death and living.
How can you achieve long-lasting happiness? Or transform your relationship with grief, death and dying?
Having explored the deepest trenches of depression and contrasting heights of delight, Martin O’Toole, a “man on the mend”, has discovered a process anyone can follow to find true happiness.
He died, and welcomed a new life within a life.
Cherry-picking Eastern philosophies like Taoism, Confucianism, and Buddhism, introducing mindfulness, psychological practices, and tales of the miraculous healing power of Ayahuasca, How To Die Happy distils the secrets to living and dying well. Part curated wisdom, part handbook, part memoir, this inspirational text offers a blend of ancient lessons, stories of real-life suffering, and a host of practical utilities to enjoy a vibrant and contented life.
Are you ready to learn how to die before you die and live your life anew? Then come and take a journey into the Anatomy of Happy.

“He’s taken a mystery, something we hide and tuck so deeply that we'd never think of digging in to expose our fear. He’s lifted it up to us and made beauty of it. He’s invited us to shed years of that fear while exposing the light that death really is.
It’s f***ing masterful”.
— Brandon Ellis, bestselling author
Self-realisation, self-discovery, the journey inwards — can only begin when one asks the question of all questions: "Who am I?" Ramana Maharshi once said, "Your self-realisation is the greatest service you can render the world". There is no greater gift one can give.
To genuinely know love, we must open our closed hearts, even when our Monkey minds fight with fists and teeth. Accepting and loving ourselves leads to elevated understanding and love for others. Through self-love, we radiate and demonstrate what's possible for all.
Self-observation invites change. Carl Jung said: "It is a most painful procedure to tear off those veils, but each step forward in psychological development means just that, the tearing off of a new veil". To learn who you are, you must unlearn the illusion of who you are not.
Some lead the life of the individual, yet others crave connection. Regardless, we are all connected on levels most cannot comprehend. To create harmony and flow, we must adopt mindful practices to understand our fellow humans better — to transact, interact, and connect.
Perhaps one of the most challenging things for any of us is forgiving another. Though as Mahatma Gandhi reminds us: "An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind". Learning the true meaning of forgiveness is to let go of that which no longer serves us.
As Earth School's lessons never end, we must remain open to its myriad gifts by way of daily practice. Thus, when happiness has been attained, we must focus on its maintenance through the mindful balance of awareness, presence, acceptance, and gratitude.
Do you feel unfulfilled or like you don’t belong?
Are you tired, depressed, oppressed, addicted, or maybe even suicidal?
Perhaps you're grieving or dying, or someone close is about to pop their clogs.
Maybe you’re struggling to find flow and purpose.
Or are you merely searching for deeper meaning and more practical utilities for the art of living?
Stuffed to stitches with utilities for living well, the How To Die Happy book has a message wherever you are on your journey.
“How To Die Happy is in my Top Five best books of 2023! It’s one of the best books I’ve read in a long time”.
— Nick Hutchinson, BookThinkers
“This madman has found a way to weave such wisdom into a tapestry of interconnected insight and understanding. The result is a charming and witty guide to attaining happiness that is both heartfelt and funny”.
— Lee Holden, Author & TV Personality
“I’ve been engrossed in this book like no other. Not from some obsession with death, rather, my fixation on wanting to live the rest of my life as my best life. Holding on to negative experiences from childhood through adulthood and yet struggling to remember the positive experiences has been a massive problem and this book provides, through real life experiences, tools to start working on that mental programming.
It seems quite a personal book in a way yet, I guess, unless you’ve been at the bottom (many times) how can you truly describe the chasm between that and living your best life? Thank you to the author for this gift”.
— Jonathan , Amazon Reviewer
“Martin O’Toole is one of the wittiest and most intelligent writers of our time. He makes this book a delight to navigate through, deliciously brining descriptions to life. This book is Chock full of useful tips and practices to discover what in life would even make one happy and how to hold that happiness near and dear. I love the comparison of the body to an earth rover and as such, one that has specific needs that require tending to. His Buddhist study and awareness shines and really resonates with me in ways I am adopting for my life. Highly recommend reading this one!”
— Barrett, Amazon Reviewer
“This book was phenomenal in making me think and rethink my choices and stance on life. I questioned myself, my path and my happiness.
I absolutely loved reading this book and sharing it with family members and friends, seeing how grateful they were in receiving a book with such a fresh and honest explanation of happiness. It's been interesting talking with them about the book, and hearing what resonated with them, differently with myself.
Thank you, Martin”.
— Xara, Amazon Reviewer
“Haven’t yet finished this book but I just can’t put it down and felt compelled to write a review. A beautiful mixture of personal stories, meditations and wisdoms from Eastern philosophies… this book will travel the world with me! Pop it on your list, enjoy reading and share with the people you love”.
— David, Amazon Reviewer
“This is not another self help book. Well, it sort of is but you will never have read one like this before. Take a smooth talking advertising exec and skilled wordsmith who happens to be a straight talking Yorkshireman. Who is then driven to the gates of hell by years of high functioning alcoholism and cocaine addiction, only to be turned around by a beagle! This book then chronicles the learnings for beginning his life 2.0 fuelled by eastern philosophy, self reflection and psychedelics! Profoundly deep, fantastically thought provoking but ultimately a guy trying to share some of his hard learned wisdom and tips on searching for a happier and more contented life filled with love, friendship and positive vibes in a modern world where this is increasingly important”.
— Michael, Amazon Reviewer
“Martin, a self-confessed expert in suffering and more importantly, how not to suffer, takes us through a captivating exploration of how to reinvent a life within a life. His willingness to be vulnerable and his deeply personal reflections bring this book to life and complement the fascinating insights from a broad range of practices and belief systems. Packed full of practical tips, this book is a must for anyone wanting to do the work of healing and growth, or simply wanting to learn more about how to live and die happy”.
— Shanice, Amazon Reviewer
“How To Die Happy is one of the best books I have read in the last couple of years. Martin addresses so many of the questions I have been asking myself for years. This book is fun, sarcastic, and very educational. It is challenging...yet comforting. So many thoughts! I will tell you this...you should buy a copy and read it immediately. You will be HAPPY that you did!!!”.
— Nick, Amazon Reviewer
“This author came to my attention through word of mouth, while spending time in Asia, he's somewhat of a myth!
An escapee of the Western rat race, Mr O'Toole seems to have self educated himself on the religions, philosophies and musings of the worlds great faiths, mystics and thinkers. Somehow, he's packaged all of these learnings, into an easy to read, fun and no nonsense format, that will make you think, smile and even laugh out loud. It may even make you happier.
I read this book, in it''s entirety, on a 4 hour flight in Europe. I then handed it to my traveling neighbor in the next seat, who asked what was making me smile. I felt like I'd made a friend in Martin O'Toole.
Buy it, read it, change your thinking and pass it on”.
— Mike, Amazon Reviewer
“This book deserves a huge amount of PRAISE — NOT only because the author digs deep into his own soul and the struggles that he has encountered...but understands the complete human aspect with the trials and tribulations in a very unsettled World. You can either suffer in this World or live in this World...we all have a choice. Hence this book is a beautiful guide and something that we can all head back into on a regular basis. It is a book that I am passing on to many as I feel it will benefit so many people. Read it. Immerse in it. and then pass it on to your friends and family”.
— Claire, Amazon Reviewer
Do you want to be truly happy?
Join thousands of others with open hearts and minds inspired by this down-to-earth, straight-talking self-help title.